We welcome feedback when we have:
How to let us know:
These are some of the things you, as a consumer, should expect:
You can make a complaint on any aspect of the Service. The complaint will be fully and objectively investigated by the Executive Team and reviewed by the Board of Directors.
Complaints should be addressed to the CEO.
If you are not happy with how we deal with your complaint, you can refer the matter to:
Health Complaints Commissioner
Mail: Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
Phone: 1300 582 113
Fax: 03 9032 3111
Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
For people aged 65+ (50+ for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders) accessing Commonwealth Home Support Program services (such as Occupational Therapy, Pyramid Hill Nursing, some Podiatry) you can take your complaint further with the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission.
Mail: GPO Box 9819
Phone: 1800 951 822
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.agedcarequality.gov.au
If you are deaf or have hearing or speech impairment, the commission can help through the National Relay Service.
NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission
For participants accessing services or supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):
Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
Web: www.ndiscommission.gov.au
- done something well
- made a mistake
- treated you badly or unfairly
- not respected your rights
- made a decision you feel is wrong
- a chance do something better or differently
How to let us know:
- talk to any of our staff
- write to us and drop it off, mail it or email it to: [email protected]
- Client / Patient Feedback Form (Paper version available at each NDCH site, or click the above button).
- Client / Patient Satisfaction Survey (Paper version available at each NDCH site, or click the above button).
These are some of the things you, as a consumer, should expect:
- Quality of care as promptly as possible
- Considerate care, respecting your privacy and dignity
- Adequate information on all aspects of services provided or treatment available in terms you understand
- Participation in decision making which affects your health
- The right to consent to or refuse treatment
- The right to consent to or refuse to participate in educational or research programs
- The right to engage an advocate of your choice
- Access to personal health records and to have the confidentiality of records ensured
You can make a complaint on any aspect of the Service. The complaint will be fully and objectively investigated by the Executive Team and reviewed by the Board of Directors.
Complaints should be addressed to the CEO.
If you are not happy with how we deal with your complaint, you can refer the matter to:
Health Complaints Commissioner
Mail: Level 26, 570 Bourke Street
Phone: 1300 582 113
Fax: 03 9032 3111
Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission
For people aged 65+ (50+ for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders) accessing Commonwealth Home Support Program services (such as Occupational Therapy, Pyramid Hill Nursing, some Podiatry) you can take your complaint further with the Aged Care Quality & Safety Commission.
Mail: GPO Box 9819
Phone: 1800 951 822
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.agedcarequality.gov.au
If you are deaf or have hearing or speech impairment, the commission can help through the National Relay Service.
- TTY users: call 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 951 822.
- Speak & Listen users: phone 1800 555 727 then ask for 1800 951 822.
- If you need an interpreter, the commissioner can help through the Translating and Interpreting Service. Call 131 450 and ask for 1800 550 552
NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission
For participants accessing services or supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS):
Phone: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
National Relay Service and ask for 1800 035 544.
Web: www.ndiscommission.gov.au