NDCH Privacy & Confidentiality Policy Statement:
"NDCH believes that all persons have the right to receive confidential services as listed in Policy 4.1 – Client Rights. Confidentiality is the responsibility of all staff, doctors, students and volunteers. The Service accepts the definition of “health information” as “information about the physical, mental or psychological health of an individual, and can include personal information collected in providing an individual with a health service.” (Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner)
"NDCH believes that all persons have the right to receive confidential services as listed in Policy 4.1 – Client Rights. Confidentiality is the responsibility of all staff, doctors, students and volunteers. The Service accepts the definition of “health information” as “information about the physical, mental or psychological health of an individual, and can include personal information collected in providing an individual with a health service.” (Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner)
Privacy & Confidentiality
Your privacy is important at NDCH. All information shared as a part of our services will remain confidential. If there is a risk of harm to you or someone else, we have a duty of care to do what we can to stop it.
Why do we collect your information?
The information we collect helps us to keep up to date about your needs. That way we can care for you in the best possible way. We use the information to better manage and plan our services.
What information do we collect?
Your name and contact details, and anyone you might want us to contact in an emergency. We also keep your care plan and information about your health. Notes are also kept each time you see one of our team.
Who can access your information?
Your information can only be seen by the professionals who are involved in your care. We only release information about you if you agree or if required by law, such as in a medical emergency or a Court Order.
Your Say
You have a say in what happens to your information. We rely on the information you give us to provide the right care for you. If you decide not to share some of your information this is your right. Not sharing some information may affect our ability to provide you with the best possible services. Talk to us if you wish to change or cancel your consent.
We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your record. The privacy of your information is protected by law. We treat your information in the strictest confidence and store it securely.
You have a right to request access to your information and to ask for it to be corrected if needed.
Talk to one of our staff if you have any other questions or worries about what happens to your information or if you wish to access your record.
This service is confidential. We respect your privacy.
Your privacy is important at NDCH. All information shared as a part of our services will remain confidential. If there is a risk of harm to you or someone else, we have a duty of care to do what we can to stop it.
Why do we collect your information?
The information we collect helps us to keep up to date about your needs. That way we can care for you in the best possible way. We use the information to better manage and plan our services.
What information do we collect?
Your name and contact details, and anyone you might want us to contact in an emergency. We also keep your care plan and information about your health. Notes are also kept each time you see one of our team.
Who can access your information?
Your information can only be seen by the professionals who are involved in your care. We only release information about you if you agree or if required by law, such as in a medical emergency or a Court Order.
Your Say
You have a say in what happens to your information. We rely on the information you give us to provide the right care for you. If you decide not to share some of your information this is your right. Not sharing some information may affect our ability to provide you with the best possible services. Talk to us if you wish to change or cancel your consent.
We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your record. The privacy of your information is protected by law. We treat your information in the strictest confidence and store it securely.
You have a right to request access to your information and to ask for it to be corrected if needed.
Talk to one of our staff if you have any other questions or worries about what happens to your information or if you wish to access your record.
This service is confidential. We respect your privacy.